Our teachers


Martina O'Donnell

Founder | Hot Yoga Teacher

Martina discovered yoga through the Bikram method in 2010 during two sabbatical years and from this moment on she practices different styles of yoga in more than 30 countries around the world, thus combining her work and her passion for traveling with the practice of different styles of yoga around the world.

• Bikram Yoga Training in San Diego, CA 2010
• 500 h Vinyasa Yoga Training in Rishikesh India 2017
• Yoga Training for Children Yoga Kids & Family Málaga in 2018

Co-founder Yoga Travelers: Organizer with Esak García of yoga retreats around the world.

Meet the team

Our trainers are Fitness & Yoga Professionals, equipped with a deep understanding of the human body. They bring to the team their own expertise in Yoga, Pilates, Total Barre, or Meditation.

Marbella Studio Team

Souraya Zouaoui

Souraya Zouaoui is an experienced practitioner in Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga, transitioning from luxury retail to the world of yoga and healing. Trained extensively in yoga and recognized by the Yoga Alliance, she conducts immersive retreats and private classes, embodying a philosophy that emphasizes holistic well-being. Beyond yoga, Souraya specializes in touch therapy, energy healing, vegetarian/vegan cuisine, Inner Dance, breathwork, and trauma release sessions. Her teachings focus on uniting mind, body, and spirit for balance and serenity, believing in the transformative power of yoga to sculpt the body and awaken consciousness.

Snizhana Bedukha

Zhana is a passionate and dedicated kids ballet teacher and Barre instructor with a deep love for dance and a commitment to nurturing young talents. Born in the Ukraine where her journey into the world of dance began. From a young age, she displayed a natural flair for ballet and embarked on her training at School of Art. Her dedication and talent soon caught the eye of renowned ballet instructors, leading to intensive training and participation in various ballet productions. After honing her skills, Zhana felt a calling to share her love for ballet with the next generation. She completed their ballet teacher certification at the National Ballet University of Ukraine where she learned the art of teaching and connecting with young dancers.

Zarah Boden

Always fascinated at the grace and intelligence of the human body and guided by Spirit, Zarah has explored movement through yoga and dance for over 20 years. She completed her first Yoga TTC in London, going on to travel and further her learning in India with intensive studies of Astanga Vinyasa, Hatha, Pranayama and Indian Philosophy and various forms of bodywork and energy healing. She has also studied and practices Integrative Breathwork which incorporates breath awareness and conscious breathing for healing, growth, personal awakening and transformation. Zarah greatest source of inspiration is the breath which you will feel in her classes. A companion to unearth the depths of our being, a way to strip back the layers into our most authentic version and a path to cultivating balance of body and mind, to shine light on the infinite potential within...

Paulina Walden

Paulina has been practicing Yoga for 15 yrs and found Bikram Yoga in 2013 and fell in love ❤️ she did her 26&2 teacher training 200 h yoga alliance in Marbella at Ushna Yoga Studio. When not teaching or practicing Yoga Paulina works with psychotherapy and is the founder and CEO of swedish psychology company Evidentia Psykologi. Paulina has a Medicine master in pschotherapy and is a Licensed Psychotherapist in CBT (Cognitive behavioral Therapy) and also specialised in Child and youth psychotherapy.

Maria Bachmann

Maria is a bikram yoga and hot inferno pilates teacher from Estonia. She attended the Bikram yoga teacher training in fall 2011 in LA and since then she have been teaching in various places all over the world. In summer 2014 she represented successfully Estonia on Yoga Championships held in Vienna, Austria. She discovered Hot Inferno Pilates as she was teaching yoga in Mexico and she was absolutely fascinated by it. A perfect addition to yoga that she is have been teaching it for several years. At the moment She is very happy to share her life between yoga/hot pilates, music and photography. She became a fitness instructor , to share what she have learned and experienced with other people, guide them to more energy, physical and mental strength and better health. It is so fascinating to see continuous improvements of one´s practice and to know, that it is just the beginning of the long way.

Mimi Pérez Heredia

With over two decades in the fitness world and more than 15 years of experience as a personal trainer and wellness coach specializing in women, her career is a testament to her passion and dedication. As an IFBB competitor, she has won 14 medals and was the Runner-Up Champion of Spain, a significant achievement she takes great pride in. In 2008, she discovered Joseph Pilates' method and instantly fell in love with it. She spent years working in Barcelona, her hometown, where she perfected her practice of Reformer Pilates and Mat. Over time, she developed her own approach, combining the principles of Pilates with weights, dumbbells, and various other equipment to offer a deeper, more intense workout. This method not only tones every muscle in the body but also provides a holistic wellness experience. “ I’m excited about the opportunity to share the method and help you all to achieve your fitness and wellness goals. I can't wait to see you in class!

Jyoti Ananda

Jyoti has been practising yoga for 20 years and teaching for over 10 years, so she shares yoga from a very embodied personal experience. She loves using yoga, teaching and coaching to help people to get more in touch with their authentic selves, open up new perspectives, and discover new experiences in their body and mindset. · 200 hours in Hatha Yoga, India, 2013 · 50 hours in Yin and Restorative, Turkey, 2014 · 300 hours in Kundalini Yoga, Online, 2022 · 300 hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training, Spain, 2023 · 300 hours in Kaivalya Kriya Yoga, Spain, 2024 Jyoti is also an Inner Alignment Coach, a system which is built upon the foundations of yoga and spirituality and its intersection with modern neuroscience. She helps people move past persistent negative patterns of thought, deliver shifts in inner and outer relationships, and begin to move into experiencing the life they desire.

Yogi Kaivalyananda

Yogi Kaivalyananda is an internationally recognized Yogi and Reiki Master. He is the founder of Kaivalya Kriya Yoga, a transformational system of yoga and sacred science of self-realization, and is also one of the world’s leading exponents of Himalayan Hatha Yoga. Thousands of individuals, athletes, royalty, international organizations, embassies and UN agencies around the world have benefitted from his yoga and healing sessions, both online and in-person. He also trains yoga teachers on basic and advanced teacher training programmes in Kaivalya Kriya Yoga and Hatha Yoga. His passion is helping others experience deep, life-changing shifts and ultimately self-realization through yoga.

Santander Studio Team

Fernanda Pereira Chueiri

Fernanda comenzó a practicar Yoga en 2011. De aquella iniciación surgió un viaje a la India Mumbai ese mismo año y en THE YOGA INSTITUT consolidó su formación profesional suponiendo la confirmación de su vocación yogui. Con una dedicación exquisita avanzó en la educación personal de su espiritualidad en la escuela española Witryh del gran maestro “Soma”, Xavier Satrustegui. Siente la llamada del Kundalini Yoga y como discípula de la gran maestra Nam Nidhan Khalsa aprende los secretos del Yogi Bhajan con el fin de convertirse en un eslabón en la transmisión de la realización personal y espiritual para personas que buscan una vida de luz, abundante y bienaventurada. Como profesora de educación emocional y mindfulness, Fernanda se ha especializado también en yoga para niños, adolescentes y yoga en familia.

Marisol Carretón Newport

Su pasión y vocación impartir los conocimientos adquiridos sobre el movimiento y toda su formación continuada durante 22 años y sigue aprendiendo. Conocimientos y formación en diferentes disciplinas aunque su base es la danza así es certificada por la Royal high School y en pilates suelo y máquinas , poblaciones especiales, rehabilitación, embarazadas y todos los talleres de implementos por Stott Pilates. Certificada en fascial fitness tambien por Stott pilates y pilates aéreo por unnata pilates en madrid. Especialista en rehabilitación aplicada al movimiento y amplia formación en Nueva York y Europa. Primera instructora en impartir Inferno Hot Pilates en Cantabria , ahora en el nuevo Centro Ushna Santander, con la sala acondicionada para ello. Certificada como instructora en ballet fit, disciplina tan de moda y muy efectiva que ahora tiene muchos seguidores. Así tenemos en el centro como instructora a Marisol Carretón impartiendo las disciplinas de infernó hot pilates y barre fit, haciendo de su pasión su profesión.

Sara Sanz

Profesora de Yoga desde 2014 por la escuela Kabat de Madrid. Formación intensiva de Hatha yoga y Asthanga Vinyasa en Swaroop Yogic Life, Risikesh-India 2015. Karma Yoga en Amritapuri Ashram, Kerala- India 2016. Formación en Yoga Prenatal a través del Instituto Europeo del Yoga, Barcelona 2018. Formación de profesores Centro Cantabro de Yoga 2021.

Lorena Carvajal

Practicante de Hatha Yoga desde hace 16 años. Obtuvo la certificación de instructora de Bikram Yoga en 2012, ha impartido más de 2000 clases principalmente en Chile y España, también en Bruselas, EEUU y México y realizado talleres y clínicas de posturas en Chile, España e Italia. “El entendimiento del cuerpo desarrollado a través de la práctica, me ha llevado también a desarrollar entrenamientos para mejorar la movilidad, la flexibilidad y la fuerza y con esto ayudar a profundizar en la práctica” Lorena Carvajal